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RSS-Feed Informationen


Be up-to-date anytime. This website offers a server to use our RSS feed. This news feed will provide always the latest ads of our market directly to you. Just enter the following address into your RSS reader:


The feed should be updated once per hour.

If you only can see source code if you click on the link, please keep in mind, that RSS feeds can only be displayed in a human-readable way by using a special program. It is not designed to use directly with your webbrowser..

RSS itself is a standard format based on XML and the abbreviation for "Really Simple Syndication". It was invented to give you the possiblity of collecting the latest news from a bunch of websites without visiting them.

Information for all Webmasters:

Our newsfeed is designed to be used in your website and totally free of charge. Please remember the following points, if you like to use our RSS feed:

  • Always note our website as the source of the information. Please use the data provided in the "channel"-tag of the XML-source.
  • Always open the information details into a blank browser window - not into frames or other comparable structures.
  • To avoid heavy load to our webserver and unnecessary latency to your user interactions, please use a caching system instead of calling the information over and over again (i.E. as a local XML-file)
  • If you like to get only new ads of special categories (and their sub-categories), please ask us for them.

Please let us know, if there is any trouble using our RSS-feed.